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MTMSB incorporate a business venture such as technology provider and technology consultant that is involved in the design, fabrication and commercialization of customized membrane module and membrane system for local and overseas applications. MTMSB also is a platform for multidisciplinary research and development in the areas of science, engineering, industrial design, and commercialization in Malaysia and the Asian region.
MTMSB specialization in Membrane Technology application includes fabrication of the customized instrument design for membrane application, providing information on advanced membrane technology application, consultancy and technical advice and sample analysis for membrane and membrane related materials. MTMSB also providing expertise in the addition of the training engineers, scientists and technicians from Malaysia and abroad in membrane technology to enhance the nation human capital and productivity. Our experiences gained from actual fields help providing membrane technology application and excellent service to customers. We also share our unique skills and technology with customers.
MTMSB offers a membrane technology for such applications as:-
- Reverse Osmosis Water Desalination Plant & System
- Water Purification for Drinking Water
- Water Recycling & Water Reuse Plant & System
- Membrane Bioreactor for Sewage Treatment Plant & System
- Palm Oil Mill Effluent Wastewater Treatments
- Palm Oil Refining System & Process