Membrane Technology Malaysia Sdn Bhd (MTMSB) a company incorporated under the laws of Malaysia and having its registered office at N29a, Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre (AMTEC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor. MTMSB was formed to undertake the commercialization of the new technology offered by Inventor Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail from Advanced Membrance Technology Research Center (AMTEC) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for advanced membrane technology and new membrane applications.
To become a hub of membrane-based technology for nation human capital development and wealth creation and its mission to establish as a world-renown centre of excellence in research development and commercialization. The company is established to generate new and exciting projects in the field of membrane-based technology.
To be a leader in membrane technology and applications especially in the Asia Pacific region and globally through innovation and creative technologies. The company produces expertise in addition to training engineers, scientists and technicians from Malaysia and abroad in membrane technology to enhance the nation’s human capital and productivity. MTMSB incorporate a business venture laboratory that involved in the design, fabrication and commercialization of customized membrane module and membrane system for local and overseas applications. MTMSB also is a platform for multidisciplinary research and development in the areas of science, engineering, industrial design, and commercialization in Malaysai and the Asian region.
Membrane Technology (M) Sdn Bhd (940038-M) © 2025 All Rights Reserved.